A few months ago I had noticed Emily had a dark spot on one of her teeth, and we know what that means "cavity". So I made her an appointment to get her teeth cleaned and for the dentist to check it out. Of course I was right she just had to have a cavity. She must take after her mother because I have a mouth full of fillings. Well I thought to myself what a great blogging experience this would be( I find it hard to find things to blog about). So here are a few pictures from her cleaning.
Here she is getting ready to get her teeth cleaned.
Emily was just a big girl. I was very proud of her.

The cleanings all done and she is waiting on Dr. Hunter to come in and check that cavity.

Emily showing off you new clean pearly whites.
Today we went to get the cavity filled and of course I forgot my camera so out wonderful dentist took a few pictures of her green filling for me (yes, Emily chose green).

Here is Emily after she was all done. She was such a big girl, but it did help that she didn't have to have shot to numb it, because it was a very small cavity.

Emily is just getting too big!! I can't imagine Lily ever sitting good for the Dentist, and her time is drawing near. I so should take her to the dentist!
She did soooo good!! I don't even sit that still. I think it is funny she decided on the color green!!
Yah, I need to take Jaden to get her teeth checked out. I often wonder how she'd do if she actually had to get a filling.
You are really lucky. Max is not that good when he goes to the dentist. Of course, nothing is really that easy with Max
What a big girl! I dread taking Ian to the dentist...he won't really even let his Dad and I mess with his loose tooth at this point. Love the green filling! Much more festive than the ole' nasty silver ones we all had to have!
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