Okay so this year for Christmas my husband had decided to make Emily a trampoline. Yes, I said make. We did buy the mat and springs, but he custom built the frame. We haven't given it to Emily yet, but I just had to post some pictures of it because it's pretty cool. This might be the biggest trampoline you will ever see in any ones back yard.
Here is a picture of Bert standing in the middle of the frame. That is his brother A.J. welding behind them. Bert is 6'3 and his brother is taller. Yeah it's pretty big.
Another picture of A.J. welding in the back ground.
Okay this is my brother-in-law who is around 6'4 to 6'5 when he reaches is arms up over his head he can reach 8 foot. I can't believe Bert pulled this off.

How cool!!! I want a trampoline that big! Emily will love that and be she'll be the envy of all her friends :)
That is amazing!! I think she will be thrilled...I sure wish we had one that big!! lol Red or blue would be cool! Have a great Christmas!!
That is too cool!! What a great guy Bert is. Emily is a lucky girl. I vote for Red.
I think maybe even Mimi could jump on that one!
I honestly can't wait to try out that trampoline!
Men--always have to make things bigger and better! This looks big enough hopefully no one will jump off the end! That looks really awesome!
Great gift! I think you should paint the frame millennium yellow.
i'm voting red, and i still cant' believe my eyes...that's gotta be one of the world's largest trampolines!!
I want to see the two grandpas on it. Just to see how well AJ welded the frame! I vote crimsom and creame!!!
WOW!!! That is Big. Just don't let Nash come over and jump. He like to cut them. OMG. You better have the Air Evac sticker in your window.(just incase)
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