Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Heidi or Clair?

Well I went to the doctor today, and we found out we are having a baby girl, and we are super excited (Emily really wanted a brother, but she said next time would be okay). Now comes the hard part naming the child. I really like the name Clair and Heidi. Bert likes Heidi. I would like to know some other peoples opinion, or if you think there is another name that is not really common just let me know.


Ashley said...

I'm liking Clair, I think Emily and Clair works well together!

Tisha said...

I'm really with Ashley on this one!

The Garvie Family said...

Congratulations!! Emily will have so much fun with a baby sister. I love both of the names. I don't think you could go wrong with either of them. Naming a child is worse than child birth!!

Hilary said...

Congratulations! I like both of those names. Of course I like Clair. Hollace's middle name is Claire. Heidi is probably less common if that's what you're looking for.

Kristen said...

You're brave asking for opinions! We are having the same issue with our little girl. We just can't decide what to name her! Why does it have to be so hard? I think both names are adorable...good luck!

Anonymous said...

What about Heidi Clair? that way you have both names you like

Sarah Kamolz said...

You know... I was going to say Clair until I read eveyone elses post's and like the suggestion of Heidi Clair! One thing you might consider is the fact that Heidi and Emily both end with E sounds so either you like that or don't (or don't mind I guess). I guess I just talked in a circle and didn't really give a straight up opinion. lol

Jillian said...

Congratulations!! I really like both of those names. I like the suggestion of combining the two (then you don't have to choose just one!). Heidi Claire Luthi....what a cute name that would be!

Unknown said...

I love both of those pretty feminine names. Have you checked on baby or something to make sure they are not the number one name of the year???