there's a new genius in town. Okay maybe not a real genius but pretty smart, and she looks a whole lot smarter now that she has glasses. That's right Emily had to get glasses. I'm glad to say they are just for reading which is really nice. She only has to wear them to school. Her eyes were just getting a little tired towards the end of the day and she started have headaches. The Doctor said that maybe she would grow out of needing them, and I hope she does. A funny story about her eye doctor, he is a really nice guy and when he came in the room I was telling Emily that Dr. Jones (she thought she was going to get to see Indiana Jones) goes to our church. Well here is Emily and Dr. Jones' conversation. Emily "I knew you went to my church I remember seeing your face." Dr Jones "You did, you probably couldn't forget this ugly face." Sweet Emily "Nope I sure couldn't." Yes, I was embarrassed but the good guy thought it was funny.
Doesn't she look to cute. It makes her look a little older to me.

She's a cutie--with or without glasses!
She always looked smart! Man, she is growing up way too fast.
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