Bert and his brother AJ had this three wheeler when they were young little guys, and a while back AJ fixed it so Emily could start riding it around. Well let me tell you something she loves it. I really thought she would be a little to scared of it, but she just took off now she is riding in second gear. She rides all of the play, and the other day Bert was moving and decided that him and Emily needed to have a little race. Emily won, but she cheated just a little. She cut Bert off and went through the grass. She really loves this three wheeler.
On your mark, get set, GO!

Here is were Bert was telling her not to go right in front of him. He almost hit her.

Emily looks like a cool racer in her helmet! She is so lucky to have such a cool Uncle AJ and Daddy Bert!
You all have just too much fun, I love it!
wow! she's the next danica patrick!!
You tell Em to be careful - just another thing for Mimi to worry about!
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