A couple of weeks ago was Bert's 29th birthday, and I always let Emily pick out something from him. So Emily and I headed off to Walmart with the intention of buying a fish pole (that's what Em wanted to get him). Well there we are walking down the aisle of the sports section and low and behold there sat a game in a wooden box it was bean bag toss and washer toss all in one. Emily that it was great and had changed her mind and just had to get it for Bert. So here are some pictures of the two of them playing. I also included some pictures of Bert and Bur (the dog) fighting. Yes our dogs name is Bur, and what makes it even better is that my father-in-law his name is Chuck has a dog named Chick now isn't that just sad.

I had to inform Emily that we were not buying this for her it is for Bert's birthday.
Here is a good reason why I'm never in any pictures. My husband is not allowed to hold the camera.
They had a good little wrestling match.

Both were pretty tired after that round.
Two of my favorite people and one ugly dog :)

Tell Bert to bring the new present camping. I see a tourny in our future.
Emily did a great job picking out his present! Love the pic he took of you!!!
Love the new game and the dog...but yeah, don't let Bert take anymore pics!
That is so cute. I know what you mean about husbands and taking photos... Gregg is the same way. What is with guys?
Ya know, they take those pictures cause they love the view! And what a perfect gift Emily picked out! One she could play with too!
We have a washer game too!! The kids love it...well Ryan and I love it too. That dog is huge!!
I've been in one of those tourneys...and I am the current champion! FUN FUN! Oh, and I disagree...I think the dog's cute!
That dog isn't ugly!!! I thought he looked cute and loveable....I'm a dog person, what can I say. And that game looks like a lot of fun!
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